The contemporary world ruled by populism is a reality modelled after comic books and computer games. There is no room for nuances, discussions or changes of mind. There are, however, two opposing sides of the conflict - the characters that are drawn with a thick stroke and represent the eternal struggle between good and evil. It is a world of contrasts and cosmic proportions, where moral categories are applied to everything.

Monika Szpener's Pokémon can serve as an illustration of a political show, pop-/post-political thinking, politics as a spectacle. The sculptures of Donald Trump, Jarosław Kaczyński, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Angela Merkel represent the politicians converted into fictional creatures (pocket monsters) with different combat powers, featured in a Japanese computer game. In the time of involvement deficit in the sphere of social issues, the interest in political and public matters is mostly expressed through commenting on particular activities or unfortunate statements made by the participants of the political spectacle, or through creating memes instead of politics.

The animalistic image of the powerful political actors fits in with the long tradition of the zoomorphic representation of the ruler, from the Mannerist bizarre to the television show The Polish Zoo. The grotesque rendering of the rulers deprives them of the terror of power, and humor is a rescue from getting stuck in the social hell.

"The powerful politicians, transformed by the artist into grotesque creatures, may look funny, but there is nothing to laugh at, unless we want to deride ourselves. Are we not confusing politics with catching the Pokémon, twitting, game shows or internet-television shows? We have the politics we deserve, and our leaders always reflect a part of ourselves. The responsibility for populism can not be dumped on the regularly pilloried populists. The society, ourselves – all of us have contributed to the rise of the phenomenon.” - writes Stach Szabłowski in Przekrój.